10 Questions with Scott


Scott spends his spare time raising wine grapes, shooting sporting clays, hunting, cooking, reading mysteries and spy thrillers, and volunteering.  Here he talks about small business marketing, web visibility and social media.

What's the next new thing in marketing for small business? 
More emphasis on mobile - being visible on smartphones and tablets.  More than 70 percent of everything that happens in social media happens on mobile. 

How can small businesses be more visible to mobile users?
The most important thing is to have a mobile ready web site.  That's why we have moved all our web development to a platform that generates a site that looks great on any mobile device.

 Should small businesses look at having their own mobile app?
If you can find an app developer who doesn't charge an arm and a leg, sure. Most small businesses already do a great job of keeping their best customers happy.  What they generally need most is to be more visible to mobile users who are searching for their product or service.  That's where the mobile version of the web site stands out.

How important is Google and other search listings for small businesses?
It's critical - probably one of the most fundamental and most important elements of an online presence for any small business.  And probably the most overlooked.  One of the best things a

small business can do to boost its online visibility is to make sure it has claimed its listing on Google. 

Just Google or are there other important search listings? 
Google is still the big dog.  They have at least two thirds of the search market right now.  One estimate is as high as 86 percent if you include all their search properties.  And depending on what sector your small business is in - like retail or restaurants - you need to look at review sites like Trip Advisor.  Manta is another good one for most small businesses.

What about paid listings?
We generally don't advise it.  Mostly because Google tends to filter those out of a lot of search results.

 When you look at social media a lot of small business owners get overwhelmed by all the places they could be.  Is it possible to simplify that somehow?
Sure.  You don't need to be everywhere.  For most small businesses Facebook is the place to start.  Make the most of that before you try to branch out.

 When you say make the most of Facebook what does that


mean for most small businesses?  What should they be doing? 
You really have to use it.  You can't just set it and forget it.  You'll get the most out of it if you post every day.  I know that sounds like a lot of work but you can use the scheduling feature to set up a week's worth of content.  Then keep an eye on it and engage with fans as they respond.

What's the best content for Facebook?  Photos, video, plain text updates?
It's all good.  It's good to have a mix of your own content, links you share and your comments on what's going on in your field.  People want to know what you think and any insights you have in your field that may be useful or interesting.

What's the biggest mistake small businesses make in their marketing these days?
A lot of small business owners think a web site and social media aren't important.  The reality is that consumers are checking out their options online before they select a store or office.  If you're not there you might not even be in the mix when it comes to their decision about where they're going to buy or whose service they're going to use.  And we make online visibility affordable.